UAB “Mantaja”
The company for sale, UAB “Mantaja”, is a brand-new company that has never been in business before. The name “Mantaja” is neutral, with no particular meanings that can be associated with any specific activity.
359,00 € without VAT
- 5 working days after signing the share purchase agreement.
Included in the price
- Document management (we’ll organise all the necessary sale and purchase documents and contracts);
- Legal assistance.
Customer service
- Remote consultations;
- Questions answered within 1 working day;
- Experienced and competent accounting professionals.
Term of re-registration of UAB "Mantaja"
5 working days after signing the share purchase agreement.
- Company code:***
- Place of registration: Vilnius
- Date of registration: ***
- Authorised capital: €2,500
- Information: Company being set up
Authorised capital of the company to be sold UAB "Mantaja"
The authorised capital of the companies for sale is EUR 2,500. Each company has a bank account, a registered address, and all the documents approved by the registry office. We can provide confirmation that each company is brand new, with no debts, or other liabilities.

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